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How Many Houres Have You Played FF XIV?

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).

Have you ever wanted to know how long do you play FF XIV?


The Way to Check the Total Playing Hours

It’s very easy.


Type is this on chat window.
It tells you echo so no one can see your playing time.

When you type that wards, it appears your total playing time in your chat window.

Playing Time Isn’t Concerned About Skilled

Playing time = logging in time

I don’t play FF XIV all time when I logging in.

While I was logging in;
-to fall asleep
-reading manga
-watching Youtube
-away form keyboard
-using smartphone…and so on.

There are many time to do another thing while logging in.

So playing time is just enjoy by looking at.

In the End

I have played FF XIV over 5 years.
I was surprised to see my playing time because it less than I expected.

It’s easy to know your playing time.
Why don’t you trying it?

I hope this article is helpful for you:)

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