Increase the Speed of Mounts!

Hi, ths is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
Do you know that it is able to increase the speed of your mounts?
Mounts Speed
There are 2 stages of speed, run on the ground and flying/swimming.
Flying and swimming of speed are the fastest from the beginning.
Run on the ground, however, there are 3 grades.
Fulfill areas conditions, the speed of mounts will increase a grade.
Each mounts are same speed.
*SDS Fenrir is an exception, it already increase a grade from the beginning.
Check Your Mount Speed
You can check your mount speed from the Mount Speed window under Travel in the Main Menu.
Mount Speed menu is like this.
It shows speed with stars.
none: not increase yet
a star: First stage
2stars: Second stage
The First Stage
The first stage is via quest lines.
The quest is below;
Quest | Location |
Brotherly Love | Middle La Noscea Lower La Nocea Central Shroud East Shroud Western Thanalan Central Thanalan |
Come Highly Recommended | South Shroud |
Power of Deducation | North Shroud |
When the Worm Turns | South Thanalan |
In the Company of Heroes | Eastern La Noscea |
Lord of Crags | Outer La Noscea Upper La Noscea |
Eyes on Me | Eastern Thanalan |
In Pursuit of the Past | Coerthas Central Highlands |
History Repeating | Western La Noscea |
Every Little Things She Does Is Magitek | Mor Dhona |
The Ultimate Weapon | Northern Thanalan Mist, The Lavender Beds, The Goblet |
クエスト名 | 解放される地域 |
Sounding Out the Amphitheatre | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Lord of the Hive | The Dravanian Forelands |
Matoya’s Cave | The Dravanian Hinterlands |
Bolt, Chain, and Island | The Sea of Clouds |
Waiting for the Wind to Change | The Churning Mists |
Close Encounters of the VIth Kind | Azys Lla |
Heavensward | Idyllshire |
クエスト名 | 解放される地域 |
The Lord of the Revel | The Ruby Sea |
The Will to Live | Yanxia |
Naadam | Azim Steppe |
The Lady of Bliss | The Fringes |
Stormblood | The Peaks The Lochs |
The Second Stage
You need the item “Riding Map“.
The Way to Get Riding Maps
You can get them to exchange Seal from Hun Billmaster who you belonged to.
Areas of Realm: Allied Seal 250
Areas of Heavensward: Centurio Seal 250
*Seal can get by the Hunt.
In the End
Flying areas are large so it is important to increase your mount speed.
Do the hunt, get Seal and let’s get Riding Maps!
I hope this article helpful for you.