Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
I enjoyed Little Ladies’ Day!
Little Ladies’ Day
As always, the story of this year was heartwarming.
I was happy because I made children smils who struggle against disease.
Grand Company
I went to the Walking Sands as my main scenario, Minfillia gave me a Linkpeal.
She will ask me some chores.(;’∀’)
Officers form each Grand Companies visited me to recruit at the Walking Sands.
The influence of putting down Ifrit was huge.
I couldn’t decide which Grand Companies I belong to immediately.
Then Minfilla proposed to decide the Grand Company after listening speeches by them.
The Immortal Flames
Sultana Nanamo is soooooooooo cute!
It is her special seat on Raubahn’s arm.
I know what’s going on of them so this shot was moving to me.
After their speech, I talked with Alphinaud and Alisaie.
It was the first time to talked with them so they told me thier names.
They appeared from the beginning so it was surprising.
The Order of the Twin Adder
Kan-E-Senna was speeching.
Snakes on the flag of the Order of the Twin Adder means Elezen and Hyuram.
This is off topic but I had thought her hones were part of a comb.
I noticed that these are padjal, recently.
The Maelstrom
I went to Limsa Lominsa to listen the Mealstrom’s speech.
Marlwyb’s speech was powerful.
Look these audience.
Most of them are tall.
I think Alphinaud and Alisaie couldn’t see Merlwyb.
Studying Japanese
I excerpt from conversation with NPC.
hello there means “こんにちは (konnichiwa)“.
Are you someone’s ma? = あなたは だれかの ママ(anatawa darekano mama)?
I was shocked.
Ma… I don’t look like to have a child.(´;ω;`)
For your information, mother is おかあさん(okaasan) in Japanese.
In the End
I didn’t have enough time to decide the Grand Company so it will carry over to the next time.
Each leader said fine words and Alphinaud indicated with railed at their wards.
It was impressive.
I’m having a hard time to deciding which I belong to.
Thank you for reading:)