The Difference Between FC’s House and Own House

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
The early access of Shadowbringers is beginnig!!
How do you enjoy it?
I play it slowly so I cannot write the newest information of capture.
Today, I wrote FC’s house and own house.
The Difference Between FC’s House and Own House
The base of house is Free Company’s and own house is limited a few function of Free Company.
FC’s houe is the content that work together with member’s of Free Company.
Own house is suitable content to enjoy interior design freely.
The Things That Only FC’s House Can Do
-Free Company Crafting at company workshop
Free Company Crafting is cooperated with FC’s members to make things.
You can craft parts of the Airship or exterior of house and so on.
-Aetherial Wheel
Aetherial wheel is the device to use Free Company actions.
Place an Aetherial Wheel Stand and charged magic, then you can use it.
It can invest FC members status up like experience bonus.
-Have your room
You can have your room in your FC’s house.
The price is 300,000G, it is cheaper than Apartments.(it is 500,000G)
Own room can limit to enter, so you can make your private space.
Of course, if you leave your Free Company, your room is removed.
The Things That Both Can Do
-Chocobo Stables
It can chocobo’s level up and dye color to leave my little chocobo.
-Place patches
It can place;
S size: one
M size: two
L size: three
-Place a Company’s Chest
It is a common chest with members of your Free Company.
You can leave and take out Gil and items.
It can set a restriction.
-Play back musics on Orchestrion
We can get Orchestrion Rolls by various way.
Place an Orchestrion, you can play back musics.
In the End
There is no benefit for own house.
So it is good for want to create your original house.
First, join a Free Company, then you are interested in housing, you will buy your house.
I hope this article is helpful for you.