Let’s Search for a Beautiful Piece of Scenery [Aurora]

Hello, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
Do you know that we can see aurora in FF XIV?
It was the first time to see aurora and t was so beautiful.
So I wrote about aurora.
You can see it in Coerthas Western Highlands.
When you hear aurora, cold area comes to mind.
So it is the perfect area.
(By the way, Ishgard occurred to my mind, haha)
It is clear weather from 0 o’clock Eorzea time.
You mignt to think “is that all?”, but it usually snow in Coerthas Western Highlands.
It is rare the fine day.
And, you can see it by 4 o’clock Eorzea time.
Skywatcher tells you the weather or you can search on the Internet.
A Little Something Extra
You can see aurora attack to Shiva.
It always appear so you can see aurora easily.

In the End
Aurora is so beautiful so I want you to see it!
Get a weather information from Skywatcher, and it seems to appear aurora, it is important to secure a spot.
When I saw aurora, the place I wanted to take screen shots, there was player already.
So I recommend to go earlier.