[Heavensward]Sightseeing Log058

This article is about “the place of Sightseeing Log 058 (Heavensward)”.
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When you see the log, an impression is below.
From high atop the Dravanian hinterlands, I looked out upon the realm in all her twisted beauty. There I saw a sight that will be sung of for as long as songs are sung.
Place: The Dravanian Hinterlands
Emote: Lookout
It is under a broken bridge and you jump off from above.
After Accomplishment
After accomplishment the log, “impressions” changes to “Vista Record”.
The Path of Knowing
This colossal bridge was once a bustling artery for researchers, students, and curators commuting to and from the Great Gubal Library. Its stone pillars suffered significant damage when the Calamity reshaped the land, causing a portion of the walkway to crumble and collapse.
In the End
It is easy to be drawn to the Great Gubal Library, which has a strong presence, but why not look a little to the street and imagine the life of the former Sharlayan under the collapsed bridge?
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