How to Get Vinegaroon Mount

Today, I introduce the Vinegaroon mount for those who love dinosaurs.
Vinegaroon is a monster that lives in The Dravanian Forelands.

A saddle is provided for easy riding.
The animal mounts in FF14 are gorgeous, not only in the saddle but also in the decoration.
While it is common for dragons to use vinegaroons as servants, men have struggled to domesticate the creatures. In recent years, however, the gleaners have developed a successful training method, allowing them to be employed as beasts of burden.
How to Get
Purchased for 3,200 Sack of Nuts from either J’lakshai (in Old Sharlayan) or Wilmetta (in Radz-at-Han).
Sack of Nuts can be accumulated solo by diligently defeating them daily.
In the End
Why don’t you run on the ground without flying because of its cute slapstick walk?
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this article:)