Sightseeing Log 020 [A Realm Reborn]

This article is about “the place of Sightseeing Log 020 (A Realm Reborn)”.
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To see the log, an impression is below.
“En route from Ul’dah to Gridania, I sought lodgings at Highbridge. Setting out at first light, I looked out upon the wise men of old─at least they looked wiser than me─and asked for guidance in my travels.” Such were the merchant’s words, and I would see as he saw.
Place: Eastern Thanalan(X:21.0 Y:20.8 Z:0.3)
Time: ET5:00~7:59
Weather: Fair Skies
Emote: Pray
After Accomplishment
After accomplishment the log, “impressions” changes to “Vista Record”.
After the Calamity rent eastern Thanalan asunder, one of the first projects commissioned by the Syndicate was the construction of a bridge to span the newly formed chasm and restore the trade route with lands transpontine. The city which has sprung up along its edges is populated almost solely by scholars investigating the nearby ruins of the Invisible City.
In the End
There are continuous F.A.T.E. with achievements at Highbridge, so if time and weather conditions are right, why not make a side trip?
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