Tall Tale

This article is about Notorious Monster FATE “Tall Tale”.
Tall Tale
Tall Tale is a Kill Boss FATE in The Lochs.
FATE information
Ala Mhigan resident Tall Mountain woke this morning with the city watch at his door claiming he was under arrest for crimes he has no recollection of committing. At the same time, a burly, wan-faced Hellsguard appeared in the Lochs, covered from head to toe with blood that did not appear to be his own. Could this impostor be the true culprit?
It’s appeared in The Lochs-Loch Seld(X:23.0 Y:25.0).
This is a level 69 FATE.
Battle Log
This time, the battle started a Tank, a healer and two Chocobo companions.
A few players joined us in the middle of the battle.
It synced your level 74.
It’s possible to attack with a small players because skills available for level 70 and above and can wear stronger gear.
But if you challenge to attack with a small players, it takes almost full time so I recommend to gather many players.
In addition, some Phoebad, they pop around the FATE, are plain hard to deal with.
You can acquire an achievement “Slay Me a Mountain” with the highest rating possible.
Triple Triad Card
You can get “Phoebad Card“.
The status of the is below.
Rarity : ☆☆☆
-Top : 8
-Right : 8
-Bottom : 3
-Left : 1