Yo-kai Watch Collabo Collection [Jibanyan]

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
It came up the Yo-kai Watch collabo on PLL the other day.
New collabo weapons wil be added!
Ahead of the collabo, I’ll show you the past collabo weapons.
This time is Jibanyan.
Paw of the Crimson Cat
-Job: Warrior or Marauder
-Equipable level: 30
[Drawing weapon]
[Sheathing weapon]
The parts of light blue are lightning.
When I was mouse hovering, it showed the cry of Jibanyan in Japanese.
In the End
That is Yo-kai Watch collabo Jibanyan part.
The weapons from this collabo’s are originals and some of them are cute.
If you like the looks, why don’t you gather one?