Things Want to Get by Beast Tribe Quest “Qitari”

Happy New Year 2022!
There are items which can purchase only by the beast tribe and to buy these items are need to build reputation with a beast tribe.
Items are echanged by Qitari Compliment.
Today, I introduce about items which can only get by beast tribe quest of Qitari.
There are two kind of minions.
Each minions are exchangeable for 8 Qitari Compliment.
The Behelmeted Serpent of Ronka
It will be sold when the reputation rank to bloodsworn.
The Behatted Serpent of Ronka
It will be sold when the reputation rank to sworn.
Great Vessel Of Ronka
It can be exchange 18 Qitari Compliment when the reputation rank to sworn.
It’s fun to enjoy with the Great Vessel of Ronka with the flute!!
Hopl’s Dropple Orchestrion Roll
It can be exchange Qitari Compliment when the reputation rank to Honored.
This is the BGM at Qitari base.
In the End
In addition, the reputation rank of respected, Aged Oak Log can exchange.
This is one of materials for Ronkan Rocking Chair.
Aged Oak Log exchangeable 5 Qitari Compliment, so if you want the rocking chair, why don’t you exchange it?
I hope this article is helpful for you.