[Mount]How to Get Gabriel A
This article is about “the looks of Gabriel A and how to get it”.
Gabriel A
It changes its appearance when it’s on the ground and it’s flying.
On the Ground
Legs are reactable.
On the ground, my character’s riding pose is unstable, but when it’s flying, she hold on tight not to fall.
This is what it looks like from above.
Prior to building a full-sized prototype of a new transforming armor dubbed Gabriel, project engineers created this scale test model to perform aerodynamic testing. While it passed said tests with flying colors, it was observed that its engine may be prone to running hot.
“It would seem there is more to you than meets the eye.” – Yugiri
How to Get
It can be obtain from Southern Front Lockboxes which can get in the Bozjan Southern Front.
Southern Front Lockboxes are dropped various items, and Gavriel α Identification Key is a rare item among them.
Or you can buy it from the market board.
Please check the minion which can be obtain from Sothern Front Lockboxes.
[nlink url=”https://ekottmie.com/en/dainsleif-f1“]
In the End
It loops when its form changes between on the ground and flying, and I really like the movement.
If you like transformations, why don’t you go to the Bozjan Southern Front?
But this is rare drop item so if you have enough gill, it might be okay to buy from the market board.