Like a Watermelon!? Summer Wear for Healer

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
It’s summer in Japan.
Today, I introduce about my recommend summer coordinate.
Inspired by Watermelon
Gryphonskin Brestguard
I wear a Gryphonskin Brestguard for body.
I dyed it apple green.
[Craft] Leatherworker
[Recipe Level] 50★
*Available on the market.
It can be easily mix and match.
Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing
I wear a Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing for legs.
I dyed it Ochu Green.
[Craft] Weaver
[Recipe Level] 59
*Available on the Market and NPC selling it.
There are black stripes and I imagined that watermelon’s stripe.
Miqo’te and Aura, who have tail there is a ribbon through their tails.
In the End
I fell in love with the Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing the first time I saw.
I wanted to wear it.
With a lot of thinking, my conclusion was watermelon!
Thank you for reading.