Exchange With Wolf Mark! Wind-up Cheerleader

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
Are you enjoying PvP?
Today, I introduce about Wind-up Cheerleader which exchange with Wolf Mark.
Minion: Wind-up Cheerleader
It cheers you on with pompoms!
Commissioned by officers stationed in the Wolves’ Den, the cheerleader was designed to enkindle the spirits of the arena’s competitors. Some have noticed, however, that if a match begins to stagnate, her chants devolve from little lady cheers into Lominsan sailor jeers.
How to Get
It can get from 15,000 Wolf Mark .
Since the items cannot be traded on the market, those who are interested should try PvP.
In the End
I tried to make my hair look like a cheerleader.
This hairstyle is
This haircut is the same with white ribbons for hair accessories!
So I had my hair cut by a charismatic hairdresser.
I’m personally very pleased with the way it turned out!