Starting Soon! Moogle Treasure Trove -the Hunt for Verity-

Moogle Treasure Trove, which has become a standard event, is coming very soon.
There are items which exchangeable with Skybuilders’ Scrip, so it chance to get these items for plyers who don’t do Ishgardian Restration.
Outline of the Event
[Event Period] From Monday, July 25, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) until the launch of Patch 6.2
Complete the objectives, the tomestones of verity will be awarded.
To collect this tomestones of verity, you can exchange for various items.
Duties associated with this event will feature a moogle icon in the Duty Finder.
*The image is past moogle treasure trove.
Objectives Awarding Seven Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
The Orbonne Monastery | 70 |
The Praetorium | 50 |
Objectives Awarding Six Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
The Ridorana Lighthouse | 70 |
Objectives Awarding Five Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
The Royal City of Rabanastre | 70 |
Objectives Awarding Three or Five Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam) | 30 |
The Fields of Glory (Shatter) | 30 |
Seal Rock (Seize) | 30 |
The Borderland Ruins (Secure) | 30 |
Objectives Awarding Four Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
The Keeper of the Lake | 50 |
The Lost City of Amdapor | 50 |
Haukke Manor (Hard) | 50 |
Castrum Meridianum | 50 |
The Aurum Vale | 47 |
Objectives Awarding Three Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
The Porta Decumana | 50 |
Dzemael Darkhold | 44 |
Objectives Awarding Two Irregular Tomestones of Verity
Objectives | Level |
Alphascape V4.0 | 70 |
Alphascape V3.0 | 70 |
Alphascape V2.0 | 70 |
Alphascape V1.0 | 70 |
Sigmascape V4.0 | 70 |
Sigmascape V3.0 | 70 |
Sigmascape V2.0 | 70 |
Sigmascape V1.0 | 70 |
Deltascape V4.0 | 70 |
Deltascape V3.0 | 70 |
Deltascape V2.0 | 70 |
Deltascape V1.0 | 70 |
The Cloud Deck | 80 |
Castrum Marinum | 80 |
Cinder Drift | 80 |
Item Exchange
Exchange irregular tomestones of verity with an itinerant moogle for various items.
– Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(X:9.4 Y:11.6)
– New Gridania (X:12.4 Y:12.1)
– Ul’dah, Steps of Nald (X:9.6 Y:9.1)
Exchangeable Items

Item | Tomestones Required |
Demon Brick Earring | 100 |
Lunar Kamuy Fife | 50 |
Ufiti Horn | 50 |
Wind-up Elvaan | 50 |
Modern Aesthetics – Saintly Style | 50 |
eScape Orchestrion Rol | 50 |
Ballroom Etiquette – The Winsome Wallflower | 30 |
Ostensibly Special Timeworn Mapx2 | 30 |
Thundercloud | 30 |
Behemoth Knives | 30 |
Heavy Behemoth Helm | 30 |
Behemoth Helm | 30 |
Behemoth Mask | 30 |
Ring of Lasting Shelter | 30 |
Pixie Earrings | 30 |
Elbst Horn | 30 |
Bomb Palanquin Horn | 30 |
Gullfaxi Whistle | 30 |
Markab Whistle | 30 |
Round Lanner Whistle | 30 |
Warring Lanner Whistle | 30 |
MGP Platinum Card | 30 |
Steppe Bed | 30 |
Siphon Coffee Brewer | 30 |
Fat Cat Wall Chronometer | 30 |
Bomb Cauldron | 30 |
Ronkan Rocking Chair | 30 |
Neo-Ishgardian Cap of Aiming | 15 |
Neo-Ishgardian Top of Aiming | 15 |
Neo-Ishgardian Gloves of Aiming | 15 |
Neo-Ishgardian Bottoms of Aiming | 15 |
Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming | 15 |
Western Thanalan Riding Map | 10 |
Central Thanalan Riding Map | 10 |
Eastern Thanalan Riding Map | 10 |
Southern Thanalan Riding Map | 10 |
Northern Thanalan Riding Map | 10 |
Biggs & Wedge Card | 10 |
Frixio Card | 10 |
Qitian Dasheng Card | 7 |
Yiazmat Card | 7 |
Tora-jiro | 7 |
Hedgehoglet | 7 |
Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers Orchestrion Roll | 7 |
Magicked Prism (Job Mastery)x10 | 1 |
In the End
Some of items are available for Ishgardian Restration.
My personal highlight item is Ufiti Horn and Demon Brick Earring.
I appreciate that there are many objectives, so I will be able to enjoy and go around.
Thank you for reading!