How to Get Wring Hands Emote

Hi, this is Karin(@KarinMie_en).
There are many emotes in FFXIV.
When I see an emote that someone is using, I wonder, “Where can I get that emote?” I often wonder.
Today, I will tell you about how to get the emote “Wring Hands“.
Wring Hands Emote
“Wring hands” is an emote that will keep on playing sesame seeds until it is released.
With the biggest smle I can muster.
How to Get
The emote can learn by using ballrooom etiquette.
“Ballroom Etiquette – Good Will Seeking” can get from Zadnor Lockbox at Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr.
If you want to get it quickly and easily, it is easier to buy it on the market board.
In the End
This emote that sprinkles a stinky smile.
Why not try to get it?
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this blog.