[Minion]How to Get “Magic Broom”

This article is about “the way to get Magic Broom minion and its looks”.
Minion: Magic Broom
It moves quickly while sweeping.
It is a broomstick like the one in the Matoya’s Cave.
It’s also cute how the stars come out when you sweep it.
While you may not hear many of the realm’s mages admit it, magicking a household broom to become a self-propelled sweeping servitor (albeit one which does very little actual cleaning) is far more complicated than it sounds, requiring no fewer than seven cants of binding.
How to Get It
A Carpenter can make it and recipe level is 50 ★★★.
Glazenut 1
Broombush 1
Rosewood Branch 1
Ancient Lumber 1
Wind Shard 99
Other ways, it can purchase on the market board or available Materiel Container 3.0.
In the End
Please do not make a mistake, as there is an item with a similar name, Magicked Stable Broom.
Magicked Stable Broom is the item to clean up the Chocobo Stable.
Thank you for reading and see you next time!